Should I buy Youtube Views?

0 votes
asked Dec 12, 2020 in Youtube by oldfossilintown (550 points)
Should I buy Youtube Views?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Dec 13, 2020 by Shawn (102,150 points)
The Youtube views you buy are fake views.

Nobody is actually watching your Youtube videos when you buy Youtube views.

What actually happens is you pay for Youtube views and then a bot on a server crawls your youtube account and plays the videos.

This then makes it look like someone is actually watching your videos on Youtube.

However in reality what is happening is a bot on a server is just faking the views.

The Youtube views you buy could help increase your channel exposure but it won't make you money from your ads on your videos.

You can however advertise your Youtube videos and Youtube channel though ads yourself and then get more views.
0 votes
answered Mar 20, 2023 by NicoleRay (1,630 points)

To increase your audience and views, you need to make an effort and you will succeed, there are some tips, read . This is a great service that will help you grow your channel. Audience retention tips on how to increase views and average watch time of your videos.

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