What is the fastest way to cook rice?

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asked Jul 26, 2020 in Cooking by Zoeybayy (300 points)
What is the fastest way to cook rice?

2 Answers

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answered Jul 26, 2020 by layla (84,650 points)
The fastest way to cook rice is to put the rice in a microwave safe bowl and add water to the bowl.

Then microwave the rice for around 10 to 12 minutes.

When I want to cook rice fast I cook it in my microwave and it takes at most 12 minutes to cook a bowl of rice.

But if I need to cook more than just a bowl of rice then I cook it in the pot on the stove and it still only takes around 12 to 20 minutes depending on how much rice I'm cooking.

Another way to cook rice without needing to watch it is to use a rice cooker and add your rice and water to the rice cooker.

The rice cooker will cook the rice within 30 minutes to 50 minutes depending on how much rice you're cooking.

The best thing about cooking rice in a rice cooker is you don't have to watch it.

You just add the rice, set the rice cooker to the right settings and wait and do something else while the rice is cooking.
0 votes
answered Dec 22, 2020 by lulumeon (40,870 points)
Cooking rice in the microwave is the fastest way and easiest ways to cook rice.

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