How much coffee does it take to kill you?

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asked Jun 22, 2020 in Other-Food Drink by 98usjarsiona (400 points)
How much coffee does it take to kill you?

1 Answer

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answered Jun 22, 2020 by Shawn (99,990 points)
The amount of coffee that it takes to kill you depends on your weight, your age, your overall health etc.

If you have no heart conditions and are overall healthy and are an adult then it could take around 24 cups of coffee drank in a short amount of time for it to kill you.

For a teenager it may take only 12 cups of coffee in a short amount of time to kill them.

If you have heart disease or other heart issues then it may take a couple of pots of coffee to kill you but you'd have to drink the 24 cups of coffee in about 10 hours or less.

I have drank 2 pots of coffee in a day and even drank 3 pots of coffee in a day but now I only drink a few cups of coffee per day.

I never had any issue with drinking 3 pots of coffee through the day but if I drank it all at once then it may have been a problem.

Coffee is great for your health in moderation but consuming too much can cause health issues and possible death.

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