Why does Kraft Kool Aid say not for sale in Maine?

+1 vote
asked Aug 15, 2017 in Other-Food Drink by Maddie (160 points)
I've been buying Kraft Kool-Aid that is in those little twist top plastic bottles. I just noticed on the carton that it says NOT FOR SALE IN MAINE.

Why can't the Kool Aid be sold in the state of Maine?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Aug 15, 2017 by Shawn (99,990 points)
I've wondered that myself. The state of Maine Has a sugar tax so that could be one reason that the Kool-aid can't be sold in Maine.

I'm just guessing though as I'm not entirely sure why Kraft Kool-Aid can't be sold in Maine.
0 votes
answered Mar 10, 2022 by Lilly21 (57,780 points)
Kraft Kool-Aid that has sugar cannot be sold in Maine due to the Sugar Tax.

If the Kool-AId has no sugar then it can be sold in Maine.

Any drinks that have sugar cannot be sold in Maine unless Maine taxes the sugar.

Also another reason that those little twist top bottles of Kraft Kool-Aid cannot be sold in Maine is because of the plastic bottles.

The plastic bottles that the Kraft Kool-Aid comes in violates Maine's Recycling plans and program.

Kool-Aid is now owned by Kraft Holdings, which markets it with flavors ranging far beyond the original six.

Pre-sweetened Kool-Aid was developed in 1964 and redeveloped in 1970.

This great summertime beverage, the official soft drink of Nebraska, is still quenching America's thirst.

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