Has a fly ever landed in your coffee?

+1 vote
asked Jul 2, 2017 in Other-Food Drink by Shawn (102,590 points)
I'm sitting here browsing the internet and have a cup of coffee sitting on my desk.
I was drinking it and everything was fine for awhile. I then went to drink again and I felt a bug on my lips.

I lowered the coffee cup and looked down only to find a dead fly in my cup.

I took it out and continued drinking the cup of coffee.

Has anyone else had a fly land in their cup of coffee and continued to drink it after taking the dead fly out?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 2, 2017 by Khorev5422 (280 points)
lol. That happens every time to me in summer. Whether I drink a glass of tea, coffee or even a beer. A fly always seems to get into my drinks.

I just remove the fly and continue drinking my drink, some may find that gross but I don't. :)

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