Can you make $2000 a month as a full-time blogger?

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asked Feb 18, 2018 in Blogging by mkfish (190 points)
Can you make $2000 a month as a full-time blogger?

1 Answer

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answered Feb 19, 2018 by Shawn (104,110 points)
Yes you can earn $2,000.00 a month from blogging. There are many bloggers out there on the internet that make $2,000.00 per month from there blogs and some earn $10,000.00 per month or more.

But those bloggers have been blogging for at least a decade and they worked hard on their blogs for that decade and continue to work hard on writing content and promoting their blog.

You can earn $2,000.00 per month easily through affiliate sales if you sell the right affiliate product or service.

Take for example. Web Hosting affiliate programs. I know some affiliate programs from web hosting companies that pay $100.00 per sale.

So you would need 20 of those $100.00 affiliate signups per month to earn $2,000.00 per month which is easily achievable if you can get enough website traffic.

You can also boost your income through your blog through Adsense or and earn even more income per month through your blog.

To earn at least $2,000.00 per month blogging you will need at least 3,000 daily unique visitors each day to your blog which equals 90,000 unique visitors per month.

You need to write your content around keywords that get a lot of searches per month in Google search and you can find those keywords and how many searches per month they get by using Google Adwords Keyword planner tool which is free.

You can also get a Semrush account and lookup competitors websites and see what keywords they're ranking for and then use those keywords in your own website to bring in the search engine traffic.

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