What can I drink on empty stomach?

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asked Jan 28, 2022 in Other-Food Drink by bottleman (1,550 points)
What can I drink on empty stomach?

1 Answer

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answered Feb 1, 2022 by W1ndo0Paine (5,080 points)
Things you can drink on an empty stomach include water, juice, fruit juice, pear juice, apple juice, orange juice, milk, grape grape Juice, vegetable Juice, Tea and even Coffee.

You can also drink Soda, Seltzer water or flavored water on an empty stomach.

Drinking Tea is as good as drinking water since you're staying hydrated and you're still getting water intake when you drink tea.

However you should really drink some water along with the tea as well.

Coffee is worse for your stomach than Tea is.

Tea is gentler on your stomach than coffee is but both Tea and Coffee are healthy for you.

The acidity of coffee can cause you to over produce your own digestive acids and create problems such as upset stomach to ulcers.

Tea less so.

Caffeine is known for both its positive and adverse effects on human health.

400 mg of caffeine per day is considered good for human health.

If we compare the caffeine content of both the beverages then tea contains less amount of caffeine as compared to coffee.

Drinking Tea on an empty stomach can cause diarrhea in some people.

Tea can also have a laxative effect on some people and so they may need to poop more or have diarrhea after drinking Tea.

Tea and coffee are acidic in nature and having them on an empty stomach can disrupt the acid-basic balance which can lead to acidity or indigestion.

Tea also contains a compound called theophylline which has a dehydrating effect and might cause constipation.

It is okay to drink tea on an empty stomach.

Some people have issues when drinking tea on an empty stomach but most people are okay with drinking tea on an empty stomach.

Drinking Tea on an empty stomach is not bad.

Many people including myself drink tea on an empty stomach with no issues.

I drink a cup of warm tea in the morning before breakfast on an empty stomach and never had any issues.

The reason it's considered bad for some people to drink tea on an empty stomach is because the tea can disrupt your acid and alkaline balance.

Having tea on an empty stomach can disrupt your acid and alkaline balance.

Tea can cause constipation: A chemical present in the tea called Theophylline can have a negative effect on your digestive system which can lead to constipation.

Tea has traces of nicotine, which makes you addicted to the beverage.

There are numerous people who start their day with tea on an empty stomach.

Apart from being one of the top causes of acidity, morning tea can result in washing out of bacteria right from your mouth to your gut.

In the gut, it interferes with good bacteria, and might disrupt your metabolism and upset stomach.

Drinking tea right in the morning may disrupt your metabolic system due to imbalance of acidic and alkaline substances in the stomach which can interfere with the regular metabolic activity of the body and keep you troubled through the day.

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