Are Clams healthy for your heart?

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asked Jan 21, 2022 in Other-Food Drink by Dorinda (840 points)
Are Clams healthy for your heart?

2 Answers

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answered Jan 21, 2022 by Jnull0 (1,750 points)
Clams are healthy for your heart as well as your brain health and your overall health.

Eating Clams in moderation is good for your heart health as well as brain health.

When you eat clams you can help improve your heart health and lower your cholesterol levels as well.

Clams are a great source of and are high in selenium and niacin which is a B vitamin that has the potential to not only boost your HDL (healthy cholesterol), but also lower your LDL (bad cholesterol), and mussels (which are a type of clam) are especially high in protein, low in fat, and a great source of omega-3 fatty acids.

Omega 3 fatty acids are not only good for your heart health but they are also good for your brain.

Foods such as Clams and other fish and sea food has been shown in studies to improve your brain health.

Fish is known as the brain food and eating fish, clams and other sea foods can potentially prevent a person from developing dementia.

Fish and clams and other seafood is also great for those who already suffer from partial dementia as it can help improve your brain health.

Clams can potentially prevent heart disease, heart attacks, strokes, blood clots etc.
0 votes
answered Dec 25, 2024 by Cathy21 (91,740 points)
Clams are very good for you and are a healthy food.

Clams are beneficial to your health as clams are packed with nutrients such as vitamin B12, protein, omega 3 fatty acids and selenium which are essential.

These nutrients and fatty acids in clams are essential for muscle health, cardiovascular health, brain health and nerve function.

Clams also contain iron and potassium which help support a healthy immune system and regulate blood pressure.

The omega 3 fatty acids in clams are also good for heart health.

The vitamin B12 in clams is crucial for proper nerve function and production of energy in the body.

Clams also provide the body with a good amount of lean protein that is important for muscle repair and muscle building.

when eating clams be sure the clams are fully cooked and cooked thoroughly to prevent bacteria.

Eating raw or undercooked clams are what is bad for your health as they ingest bacteria like Vibrio parahaemolyticus which is a common bacteria found in shellfish and can make you sick.

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