Why did blue cheese called blue cheese?

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asked Jan 6, 2022 in Other-Food Drink by Hiphopharry (2,210 points)
Why did blue cheese called blue cheese?

1 Answer

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answered Jan 6, 2022 by standby788 (660 points)
Blue Cheese is called blue cheese because of the blue looking mold in the cheese.

The special mold creates the unique veins of blue or blue-green mold throughout the cheese.

It is these blue veins in the cheese that gave it its name, as well as its signature sharp and salty flavor.

These veins of mold, along with certain types of bacteria, also give blue cheese its special smell.

Blue cheese or bleu cheese is cheese made with cultures of the mold Penicillium, giving it spots or veins of the mold throughout the cheese, which can vary in color through various shades of blue and green.

This carries a distinct smell, either from that or various specially cultivated bacteria.

Most blue cheeses are made from cow's milk, but Roquefort is made from the milk of the ewe.

Spores of species Penicillium roqueforti are mixed with either the milk or the curd.

Blue Cheese is a pretty easy to digest cheese.

The blue cheese is more easily digested than other cheeses by most people because the blue cheese contains enzymes.

The enzymes in the blue cheese break down the milk proteins and fat in the blue cheese and that makes it easier for the blue cheese to be digested.

Other cheeses that do not contain those enzymes may be harder to digest for some people while the blue cheese would be more easily digested.

But blue cheese doesn't taste as good as other cheese at least in my opinion but some people love it but I find blue cheese disgusting and it actually makes my stomach hurt.

Still blue cheese is very good for your health if you can eat it.

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