What should I serve with Gammon?

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asked Jan 5, 2022 in Other-Food Drink by JCondon (1,150 points)
What should I serve with Gammon?

1 Answer

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answered Jan 10, 2022 by Castnblast67 (1,410 points)
Good side dishes that you can serve with Gammon or Ham include.

Dinner Rolls.

Honey Glazed Carrots.

Roasted Asparagus.

Spaghetti Squash.

Sweet Potato Casserole.

Green Bean Casserole.

Scalloped Potatoes.

Mashed Potatoes.

To roast gammon place the gammon in a large roasting tin, cover the gammon with foil and cook for the time you previously worked out, and about 20-30 minutes from the end, take the foil off.

If you want to add a glaze to the gammon, you can do this at about 20 minutes or so before the end to avoid it catching and burning.

Roast the gammon for 1 hour 55 mins. Remove foil for the last 30 mins of cooking.

Gammon is the hind leg of pork after it has been cured by dry-salting or brining, which may or may not be smoked.

Strictly speaking, a gammon is the bottom end of a whole side of bacon, ham is just the back leg cured on its own.

Gammon is sold in supermarkets and by your local butcher raw, and requires cooking before you can eat it, whereas ham is ready to eat immediately, but both are made in a very similar way.

Both gammon and ham are cuts from the hind legs of a pig, and are either salted, brined, or smoked.

Strictly speaking, a gammon is the bottom end of a whole side of bacon (which includes the back leg), ham is just the back leg cured on its own.

Ham hock, gammon hock, or knuckle, is the back end of the joint, and contains more connective tissue and sinew.

To ensure the ham stays moist, it's best to boil it for half of the cooking time and then finish the cooking in the oven.

It is also possible to boil ham for the entirety of the cooking time.

But I find ham cooked this way is best served cold.

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