How to rank my blogger blog on google?

+1 vote
asked Dec 31, 2017 in Blogging by Cintia (270 points)
How to rank my blogger blog on google?

I have a blog through that I've had for a year now and I'm not seeing any of my content ranking in google search or getting any website traffic to my blogger blog through google search.

Is there a way I can rank or help boost my blogger blog google rankings?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 1, 2018 by Shawn (99,990 points)
I've never really seen any blogger blogs show up in google search when I search for something on google search.

You can probably rank a blogger blog though if you use the right keywords and do long detailed posts.

But if you really want to rank a blog easier then I would recommend getting away from blogger and moving your blog over to your own domain name and web hosting account.

Google will favor your blog if you have your own domain and web hosting account and use wordpress.

Your blog readers will love your blog better too and you'll be in more control of your own self hosted wordpress blog.

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