Can you eat a raw potato?

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asked Dec 6, 2021 in Other-Food Drink by Felixdkatt (990 points)
Can you eat a raw potato?

1 Answer

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answered Dec 7, 2021 by caveman1232 (930 points)
Yes you can eat raw potatoes.

Potatoes can be eaten raw or cooked.

Although you can eat raw potatoes they can be hard to chew and eat unless cooked.

But if you cut the raw potato up into smaller pieces then it's easier to eat and chew the raw potato.

Raw potatoes are very healthy and eating potatoes raw is healthier than eating cooked potatoes.

The potato skins are also healthy to eat as well and contain vitamins, nutrients etc.

Raw potatoes are high in resistant starch, which has been linked to better blood sugar, enhanced insulin sensitivity, increased feelings of fullness and improved digestive health.

Is raw potato good for skin?

Potatoes are packed with healthful ingredients like vitamins B1, B3, B6, C, and minerals like potassium, iron, magnesium, and phosphorus.

We already know potato has a natural bleaching property, lets now find out how it benefits our skin: Reverses skin tanning and problems like hyper-pigmentation.

Does raw potato lower blood pressure?

It was found that eating potatoes was not accompanied by changes in body weight, blood fats (lipids) or glucose levels (HbA1c), but resulted in lower blood pressure: the diastolic (the lower reading of a conventional blood pressure reading such as 120/80) went down by a significant 4.3%, and systolic by 3.5%.

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