How long should seo take to work?

+1 vote
asked Dec 26, 2017 in Seo (Search Engine Optimization) by saddleegg (310 points)
How long should seo take to work?

How long should it take to see results from SEO "Search engine Optimization"?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Dec 26, 2017 by Shawn (99,990 points)
SEO is a long term process that works overtime. If an SEO company tells you they can rank you overnight then they're lying.

There's no guarantee that they can get your website to the top of google overnight or anytime.

It takes from 90 to 180 days to rank content in google.

So that means it can be from 3 to 6 months before content you write might rank in google search. And sometimes it can take longer so don't be discouraged.

I've had a blog post take a whole year before it ranked and was found in google search but now it's continuing to rank.

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