How do I get rid of freezer burn?

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asked Dec 5, 2021 in Other-Food Drink by Tucylucy (940 points)
How do I get rid of freezer burn?

1 Answer

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answered Dec 6, 2021 by $19169 (2,810 points)
To get rid of freezer burn on meats you can do so with a brine solution when cooking the meat.

Since freezer burn causes meat to dry out, you can counteract it with a brine.

Salt can help mitigate moisture loss when cooked, making it one of the most important tools in your pantry.

To prevent freezer burn, wrap or package foods properly before freezing them and make sure your freezer stays cold enough.

The best way to prevent reduced quality is to use your frozen foods in a timely manner so that nothing gets stored for too long.

Freezer burn on food is safe and you can eat the food with freezer burn.

However the freezer burn on food in the freezer is bad as in it makes the food taste different and not as good but it's safe to eat the freezer burned food.

Freezer burn is a condition that occurs when frozen food has been damaged by dehydration and oxidation due to air reaching the food.

It is generally caused by food not being securely wrapped in air-tight packaging.

Freezer burn appears as grayish-brown leathery spots on frozen food, and occurs when air reaches the food's surface and dries the product.

Color changes result from chemical changes in the food's pigment.

Freezer burn does not make the food unsafe; it merely causes dry spots in foods.

The food remains usable and edible, but removing the freezer burns will improve the flavor.

Freezer burn on food in the freezer is not bad as in the freezer burned food will not make you sick.

However freezer burn on food can be bad because it makes the food less tasty and less appetizing.

But you can still eat meat and foods that have freezer burn on them as there's nothing unsafe about eating freezer burned food as it does not make the food actually bad.

Bacteria is what makes food bad to eat but freezer burned food is safe to eat although it may not taste as good.

Freezer burn on food happens due to dehydration and oxidation, caused by air reaching the food and the color changes on freezer burned food are a result of the chemical changes in the food's pigment.

To stop freezer burn on food in the freezer you need to store the food in airtight containers or seal off the air to the food.

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