What is a rubber spatula called?

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asked Dec 2, 2021 in Cooking by ooo1mate (1,030 points)
What is a rubber spatula called?

1 Answer

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answered Dec 2, 2021 by Minty (140,940 points)
A rubber spatula is called a bowl scraper or scraper.

The rubber spatula is called the bowl scraper because it's sometimes used to scrape the bottom of mixing bowls to remove leftover mixtures of ingredients that were mixed in the mixing bowl.

The spatula goes by many other names.

Depending on what country you're in and what particular food you might be preparing, it can be called a “flipper,” a “tosser,” a “scraper,” or, as some British prefer, a “fish slice.”

Also spatulas fall into three main categories; flippers, spreaders, and scrapers.

Each has a specific purpose and is available in a slew of different options and features.

A spatula in cooking is a flat object often made of rubber or metal meant to spread, mix or lift food.

A flipper or turner are flat objects usually made of metal or plastic designed to slide under a piece of food in a pan or on a grill.

Many nonstick spatulas are made of nylon, with thick, inflexible flippers that are difficult to maneuver under delicate items.

Plus, nylon spatulas aren't always as heat-resistant as manufacturers promise, and can start to melt or fray around the edges in a searing-hot pan.

Eggs can sometimes stick to nylon like glue.

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