What is the cheapest meal you can make?

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asked Dec 2, 2021 in Other-Food Drink by ooo1mate (1,030 points)
What is the cheapest meal you can make?

1 Answer

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answered Dec 5, 2021 by callsover (1,350 points)
The cheapest meal you can make is some beans and rice or some ramen noodles.

Also cheap macaroni and cheese is a good cheep meal that is pretty filling.

When you're poor you can make some Ramen Noodles for dinner.

You can also make some cheap macaroni and cheese and eat some hot dogs along with it.

Walmart sells boxes of Macaroni and Cheese for around 32 cents a box which is pretty cheap.

Other cheap meals you can make include.

    Beans and rice.
    Veggie stir fry on a bed of rice.
    Bean burritos.
    Grilled cheese and tomato soup.
    Spaghetti with meat sauce.
    Butternut Squash Noodles.
    Mac & Cheese.

Other foods you can eat for dinner or at any time when you're poor include.

    Brown rice.
    Canned tuna or salmon.
    Chuck roast.
    Corn tortillas.

When you can't afford food you can go to food banks.

If you're low income and are struggling to buy food look in your area for food banks and even consider applying for food stamps.

Also ask a church or if you go to church ask your church about assistance with buying food.

Most places have food banks and some churches may help with food assistance as well.

Also look around for soup kitchens who can also provide you with a free meal.

If things are so rough for you that you can't afford food, I highly recommend you take advantage of any government programs you can.

This can include the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (also known as food stamps), WIC and cash programs.

If your child is 5 years old or under you may qualify for WIC which is Women's Infant Children Program that provides some payment for some food for your child.

You can't buy diapers with WIC but you can buy food for your child.

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