How long Does It Take To Boil Eggs?

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asked Dec 2, 2021 in Cooking by ooo1mate (1,030 points)
How long Does It Take To Boil Eggs?

2 Answers

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answered Dec 2, 2021 by Minty (140,940 points)
When boiling eggs it takes 10 minutes to fully cook the hard boiled eggs.

Boiling eggs take at most 10 minutes.

If you boil the eggs too long then the boiled eggs become rubbery.

When you hard boil eggs too long the eggs inside the shell become rubbery and hard to chew.

Boiling eggs to hard boiled takes around 10 minutes and any longer than 10 minutes it's starting to become overcooked.

All you need to do is get the water boiling and then add the eggs while in the shell to the boiling water and then set a timer for 10 minutes.

After 10 minutes you can remove the eggs and allow them to cool down.

Whenever I've hard boiled eggs 10 minutes of boiling the eggs have always been enough time to fully cook the eggs.

You can boil the eggs a little longer than 10 minutes but there's no need to boil the eggs any longer than 10 to 15 minutes.
0 votes
answered Dec 25, 2021 by rgharris (1,540 points)
Boiling eggs to fully done takes 10 minutes.

Just don't boil them too long or they become rubbery.

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