Will Windows sleep while copying files?

0 votes
asked Nov 26, 2021 in laptops by Billiebobb (490 points)
Will Windows sleep while copying files?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Nov 26, 2021 by Shawn (104,110 points)
Windows can sleep while copying files but the files can stop transferring when windows sleeps.

Sleep mode means pausing all applications and processes and putting computer on a low power consuming state by turning off processor.

Running an application needs the processor to be active. If you want to save power while still downloading something, just turn off your monitor.

Files will not still download in sleep mode.

All downloads will stop when your laptop or other computer enters sleep mode.

You will need to set up your laptop to keep it running even when your lid is closed for the downloads to continue.

Your computer does not still upload when in sleep mode.

Uploads will be interrupted and fail if your PC goes into sleep mode during upload.

When your computer goes into sleep mode it stops activity such as uploads, downloads and internet connections.

So if you need to keep your computer on to upload files or download files then you can set the laptops screen to go off but still keep the computer on and out of sleep mode.

With a desktop you could just leave the computer on and shut down your computer monitor.

The application will resume uploads even if you shut down during a sync operation.

Files sent there will upload as Internet is connected.

If however you do so from a browser this may not be the case.

Some systems may view this the upload as activity and thus not sleep until the upload is complete.
0 votes
answered Aug 29, 2024 by Gonzalio (1,020 points)
edited Sep 4, 2024 by Gonzalio

I found that you can actually change the power settings to keep the computer awake while it's copying. You just have to make sure it doesn't go to sleep during that time. Also, if your computer is running slow or you're thinking about selling it, doing a factory reset on Operating Systems can really help. I did this when my laptop was getting super sluggish, and it made a big difference.

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