What is a half sour pickle?

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asked Jan 1, 2021 in Other-Food Drink by Krhoa (600 points)
What is a half sour pickle?

1 Answer

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answered Jan 1, 2021 by Minty (139,260 points)
A half sour pickle is the same as a regular pickle but the only difference between a half sour pickle and a regular pickle is the half sour pickle has not been fermented as long as the regular pickle which makes them less sour or less pickle tasting than regular pickles.

Half Sour Pickles are just regular pickles that have not fermented as long to become as sour as regular pickles.

Regular pickles ferment longer than half sour pickles.

The only difference between a sour and a half sour pickle is in how long the pickles have been fermented.

The half sour pickles are pickles that are less sour than full sour pickles because the half sour pickles are fermented for a shorter period of time so that they are less sour.

The sour pickles are full sour pickles that are fermented for a longer period of time than the half sour pickles.

Half sour pickles will taste less sour and full sour pickles will taste more sour.

Both half sour pickles and full sour pickles are made the same way using the same ingredients but the only difference is in the sourness level of the pickles and how long the pickles have been fermented.

Half sour pickles are good for people who don't really like full sour things including full sour pickles and full sour pickles are great for those who love full sour pickles.

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