Chickpeas can be dangerous for some people if eaten raw and in excess.
You can eat raw chickpeas but in excess raw chickpeas can be toxic and hard to digest.
Chickpeas are best and safest eaten cooked first.
Chickpeas can be eaten raw but for some people raw chickpeas can be hard to digest.
Still the chickpeas are healthy both raw or cooked.
Most people prefer to eat the chickpeas cooked because they are more enjoyable that way but you can eat the raw chickpeas if you want too.
When you buy chickpeas in a can the canned chickpeas are already fully cooked and not raw so you can eat the canned chickpeas straight out of the can without heating them up.
I like to heat my canned chickpeas up though because I find they taste better than cold chickpeas but you can safely eat chickpeas without heating them up.
Eating raw chickpeas can be hard on your digestive system and increase flatulence and be potentially poisonous.
If you have raw chickpeas soak them overnight in a bowl of water and cook them before eating but canned chickpeas are already cooked and ready to eat.