How much sodium is in a Kentucky Fried Chicken pot pie?

+1 vote
asked Dec 25, 2020 in Other-Food Drink by subcook24John (710 points)
How much sodium is in a Kentucky Fried Chicken pot pie?

1 Answer

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answered Dec 28, 2020 by peter1522 (2,060 points)
A Kentucky Fried Chicken Pot Pie contains 2,120 mg of sodium and 95 mg of Cholesterol.

A KFC pot pie is made with vegetables, tender shreds of chicken which are combined with diced potatoes, carrots, and peas all smothered in a savory sauce and crowned with a flaky, golden-brown crust.

KFC makes their own pot pies from scratch from leftover chicken.

KFC does make their own pot pies fresh and through the day.

The KFC Pot pies are made with chicken leftover after closing time.

The chicken is deboned and shredded by hand.

The chicken is separated into bags and the KFC pot pies get made throughout the day as needed.

A KFC Chicken Pot Pie contains 370 calories and around 850 milligrams of sodium.

Chicken Pot Pies are so fattening because the chicken pot pies are loaded with calories and sodium.

An average chicken pot pie contains 370 calories and 850 milligrams of sodium, which is almost half an average adult's sodium intake for the day which makes them fattening and unhealthy when eaten in excess.

Chicken Pot Pies are not bad for you in moderation.

However Chicken Pot Pies do contain quite a bite of sodium and they are also high in calories so they can be fattening when eaten too much.

But as long as you eat other healthy foods then eating chicken pot pies in moderation is not bad for you.

Chicken Pot Pies are loaded with Sodium and they can be fattening as well.

So if you eat too much Chicken Pot Pie or other pot pies then it can be unhealthy.

Chicken pot pie is healthy in moderation but when eating too many chicken pot pies they can become unhealthy for you.

Chicken Pot pies are loaded with sodium along with being high in calories so if you're looking to lose weight or need to watch your sodium intake then avoid eating chicken pot pies or any pot pies too much.

However eating a few chicken pot pies every few days or so is not gonna really make you any more unhealthy and the chicken is also good for you as it contains protein.

The protein in chicken that is in chicken pot pie is healthy for you so you do benefit from that protein.

The best chicken pot pies that are more healthy for you are homemade chicken pot pies as they would contain less sodium depending on how you make it.

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