Does Jello still make tapioca pudding?

+1 vote
asked Dec 27, 2020 in Other-Food Drink by 88Jdcrept (750 points)
Does Jello still make tapioca pudding?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Dec 27, 2020 by Kaptainkanda (11,520 points)
Jello does still make their great Tapioca Pudding.

I buy Jello Tapioca Pudding at Walmart and it's near the other Jello Brand Puddings and Jello.

You can also buy Jello Tapioca Pudding or other Jello brand Puddings on Amazon as well.

Most other grocery stores should also sell the Jello Tapioca Pudding and other Jello Branded puddings too.

Jello Tapioca pudding is a sweet pudding that is made with tapioca and either milk or cream.

Coconut milk is also used in cases in which the flavor is preferred or in areas in which it is a commonplace ingredient for cooking.

Tapioca Pudding is made in many cultures with equally varying styles, and may be produced in a variety of ways.

You can make homemade Tapioca Pudding as well but it's easier to buy the Jello brand Tapioca Pudding mixes and make a delicious easy to make Tapioca Pudding.

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