What's the difference between cream cheese and sour cream?

+1 vote
asked Dec 21, 2020 in Other-Food Drink by Fangsboy21s (430 points)
What's the difference between cream cheese and sour cream?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Dec 24, 2020 by Minty (140,940 points)
The difference between cream cheese and sour cream is sour cream is made by fermenting cream.

And cream cheese is made by curdling milk, draining it, and processing it into a smooth, soft cheese.

Cream cheese also contains more fat than sour cream does and a minimum of 33% milk fat is required for cream cheese, while sour cream contains 20% fat.

Some good substitutes for sour cream in baking are Greek Yogurt, Cottage Cheese, Buttermilk and Crème Fraîche.

Sour Cream and Yogurt are made with milk and are similar.

However the difference between sour cream and yogurt are that sour cream is made by adding lactic acid and bacteria to a combination of cream and milk and letting it thicken and sour.

But Yogurt is made in a similar way to sour cream, only it is made by fermenting milk instead of cream.

The purpose of sour cream in baking is to add creamy taste to the baked goods and also add and keep moisture in the baked goods.

Sour Cream is healthy in moderation.

Sour Cream is a healthy food in moderation but can be fattening and unhealthy when consumed in excess as sour cream is high in calories but low in carbs.

Many nutrients and vitamins are also found in sour cream as well as calcium so it's health in moderation.

Sour Cream is also great in baking as it adds moisture and creamy taste to the baked goods.

Sour cream helps keep and add moisture to the baked goods and adds a creamy taste to the baked goods.

Sour cream is used in baking things such as cakes to help add moisture to the cake or other baked goods.

The sour cream not only adds moisture to the baked goods such as the cake but also the sour cream helps keep the batter thick and makes the cake or other baked goods creamy.

Adding fat content which sour cream has helps make the cake or other baked goods creamier and richer in taste as well.

The sour cream also activates the baking soda in the baked goods and also controls the browning of the baked goods.

The sour cream is able to do all that because of the sour cream being high in fat content & acidity.
0 votes
answered Dec 11, 2021 by Cathy21 (94,580 points)
Cream Cheese is curdled milk while sour cream is fermented cream.

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