Can you get salmonella from eating raw cake mix?

+1 vote
asked Dec 17, 2020 in Other-Food Drink by Lectron (480 points)
Can you get salmonella from eating raw cake mix?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Dec 17, 2020 by Kitty45 (3,120 points)
It is possible to get salmonella poisoning from eating raw cake mix or raw flour.

However the chance of getting salmonella from eating raw cake mix or raw flour is low but you eat the raw cake mix or raw flour at your own risk.

It's very rare that the cake mix or flour would have salmonella in it but it's a possibility.

You can eat Betty Crocker Cake Mix Raw and you should be just fine doing so.

There's a small risk of getting sick though with Salmonella poisoning from eating Betty Crocker Cake Mix raw or any other cake mix raw.

But the chance of getting sick from eating the raw cake mix is very low.

I've eaten all sorts of raw cake mix for years and never have gotten sick from it.

It's pretty safe to eat raw cake batter especially if the cake batter has no eggs.

Actually even with raw eggs in the cake batter you can safely eat the raw cake batter because as long as the eggs are pasteurized or contains no salmonella then you can safely consume raw eggs.

Although it's not recommended to eat raw cake batter or raw flour because of the potential of getting salmonella poisoning or at least getting sick from it.

I however have eaten raw cake batter for years and now I'm nearing 40 years old and have eaten cake batter since I was around 1 year old.

I have never gotten sick from eating raw cake batter and I still eat raw cake batter.

Sometimes I like to mix up a bowl of raw cake batter and just eat it like that from the bowl and it's delicious to me.

It's possible to get sick from it but very unlikely that you would get sick.

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