Sesame Seeds can cause bloating and give you gas in your stomach if you eat a lot of them.
You can help reduce the gas in sesame seeds by soaking them overnight before roasting them.
Sesame Seeds are not bad for you and in fact eating sesame seeds in moderation is good for you and sesame seeds can boost your immune system, give you energy, lower blood pressure, reduce your risk of heart disease, dementia, cancer, heart attacks, strokes and diabetes.
The best way to eat sesame seeds is to roast the sesame seeds and then eat the roasted sesame seeds or sprinkle the roasted sesame seeds over salads.
I love roasting sesame seeds and then putting the roasted sesame seeds on salads.
Eating too many sesame seeds can cause constipation.
However eating sesame seeds in moderation should help you poop and not cause you to become constipated but if you're getting constipated from eating sesame seeds then you're eating too many of them.
Sesame Seeds do not cause inflammation but instead the sesame seeds are good for reducing inflammation and also oxidative stress, which can worsen symptoms of many disorders, including arthritis.
Sesame Seeds are very healthy for you in moderation and consuming sesame seeds can help with the prevention of heart disease, heart attacks, strokes, arthritis, diabetes and may even prevent cancer.
Sesame seeds have been known to help protect against heart disease, heart attacks, strokes, arthritis, diabetes and may even prevent cancer.
Sesame seeds are a good source of healthy fats, protein, B vitamins, minerals, fiber, antioxidants, and other beneficial plant compounds and help with blood sugar control, combat arthritis pain, and lower cholesterol.
Sesame seeds can be eaten daily.
You can eat as many sesame seeds as you want daily if you want and the more sesame seeds you eat daily the more health benefits you get.
Sesame seeds are very healthy for you and the more sesame seeds you eat the more healthy you become.
Eating sesame seeds daily has been shown to protect you against arthritis, heart disease, strokes, heart attacks and diabetes.
You should eat at least a small handful of sesame seeds daily to reap the health benefits of the sesame seeds.
Sesame seeds do eventually go bad.
Properly store sesame seeds will last for up to 4 years though before they do actually go bad.
To make sesame seeds last a long time you should store them properly which helps to also better retain flavor and potency, store in containers with tight-fitting lids.
After 4 years the sesame seeds may be okay to eat but they will not be as nutritious or taste as good.
Sesame seeds are best tasting and most healthy when they are at their freshest.
So it's best to eat the sesame seeds within a year of purchasing them.
However you can keep sesame seeds longer than a few years and they will be okay.