Can you ask your Internet provider for history?

+1 vote
asked Dec 16, 2020 in Internet by Martyblankensaw (710 points)
Can you ask your Internet provider for history?

1 Answer

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answered Dec 31, 2020 by Shawn (99,990 points)
You can ask your Internet Provider for your internet history and they can give you the internet history.

So for example if you're a kid and your parents want to know what you're downloading then they may have the ISP or internet service provider send them a hard copy of the stuff you're downloading or what you're doing on the internet.

Even if you hide from the internet through use of a Proxy the ISP still knows it's you downloading the files so if you're downloading something illegal through the ISP they can still send you a letter to stop downloading the files.

Most times though the ISP does not care what you're downloading and will not look into it unless you're suddenly downloading huge files.

Then the ISP may investigate and send you a warning letter.

Also if a Judge orders the ISP to send them copies of your internet history then the ISP will do so.

The ISP can see what you're downloading and doing and what sites your visiting but as long as they are legal sites then they don't really care what you're doing.
commented Apr 29 by TobiasLeblanc (100 points)
edited May 7 by TobiasLeblanc
Parents keeping tabs on their kids' online activities is nothing new. It's like a digital version of the ol' ""trust but verify"" motto, you know? And you're spot on about proxies – they might hide your tracks from websites, but ISPs still see what's up.
But hey, unless you're pulling some major download stunts or cruising the dark corners of the web, ISPs generally don't give two hoots about your browsing. It's all about staying on the right side of the law, ya dig?
Oh, and speaking of proxies, I recently came across an offer to Buy cheap proxies ( ). Might be handy if you're looking to add an extra layer of privacy to your online escapades.

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