Do apple pies need refrigeration?

0 votes
asked Dec 11, 2020 in Other-Food Drink by Shaoxing (1,610 points)
Do apple pies need refrigeration?

1 Answer

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answered Dec 11, 2020 by nitymaiden (1,370 points)
Apple Pies do not need refrigeration if the apple pie is gonna be eaten within 2 days.

If you're not gonna serve or eat the apple pie within 2 days then the apple pie does need to be refrigerated to prevent bacteria from growing on it.

But if you're gonna eat or serve the apple pie within 2 days then you can safely leave the apple pie out at room temperature and don't need to refrigerate it.

But for pies that have cream or custard in them or milk added to them then those pies do need refrigerated for safety or they can spoil easily.

Pies made with milk, cream, custard etc need refrigerated if not eating them or serving them within a few hours.

But other pies that have no custard, milk or cream can safely be left out at room temperature for up to 2 days before they go bad.

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