Why do you hiccup when you eat spicy food?

+1 vote
asked Nov 24, 2020 in Other-Food Drink by Conncats3 (1,260 points)
Why do you hiccup when you eat spicy food?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Nov 24, 2020 by jacquecs (1,900 points)
The reason some people hiccup when eating spicy food is because of the capsaicin that spicy foods and Jalapeno Peppers contain.

The Capsaicin in spicy foods and Jalapeno Peppers can activate the neurons in the diaphragm, which contracts and causes hiccups.

The capsaicin is also an irritant and the Chili plants are thought to use capsaicin as a defense mechanism in order to stop animals from eating the plants although humans are so far the only species known to eat the spicy foods.

However I do have a cat that likes to eat Jalapeno Peppers and spicy food as well.

Spicy food is good for phlegm and by eating spicy food it can help you cough up more phlegm.

Spicy food can also help kill bacteria in your throat and help you recover from a cold or flu much more quickly than you would if you don't eat spicy food.

Spicy food is also good for clearing up congestion and stuffy noses as well.

Eating spicy food and hot sauce is good for the flu virus as well as the cold virus.

The spicy food and hot sauce or any other hot food can help fight off the viruses in your body and help you get over the flu and cold faster.

When you're feeling congested or your sinuses are congested as well and you're having a hard time to breathe the spicy food and hot sauce can help you breathe much better.

I eat spicy foods as well as hot sauce when I have a cold or flu virus or a sinus infection as well.

Even just having a stuffy nose the hot sauce or spicy food can help clear the stuffy nose up.

Whenever I eat spicy food or hot sauce my nose starts running.

Yes hot sauce is good for colds.

Hot sauce can help with colds and congestion and help you breathe better.

Whenever I have a cold I eat foods with hot sauce and it really helps me feel better and helps get rid of stuffy nose and congestion.

Hot sauce and spicy foods cannot cure colds but it's still good to eat hot sauce on foods or eat spicy foods when you have a cold or flu.

Even eating hot and sour soup is a good food for a cold and the hot food can also help with a sore throat as well.

Hot sauce and spicy food is also good for boosting your immune system and it can also help fight off the cold virus as well as flu viruses as well.
0 votes
answered Feb 2, 2022 by Callendia89a4 (790 points)
Chili peppers contain a chemical compound called capsaicin, which is part of a group of chemicals that give chilies their individual taste and heat profile.

Capsaicin can activate neurons in the diaphragm, which contracts and causes hiccups. Capsaicin is also an irritant.

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