How much coffee is too much?

+1 vote
asked Nov 23, 2020 in Other-Food Drink by HANGZHOU (830 points)
How much coffee is too much?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Nov 23, 2020 by Kitty45 (3,120 points)
It's safe to consume up to 400 Milligrams of Caffeine per day before it becomes a problem with your health.

That amounts to 4 cups of brewed coffee per day.

However some people safely drink up to 12 cups of coffee per day and still are healthy.

Anymore than 12 cups of coffee per day could be a potential health issue but some people do safely drink more than that per day and are okay.

It's OK to drink coffee everyday and drinking coffee everyday is healthy.

Drinking Coffee can also help improve your heart health, brain health and prevent heart disease, strokes, dementia etc.

Coffee can be bad for your heart when consumed in excess.

However when coffee is consumed in moderation the coffee can actually benefit your heart health and overall health.

Drinking coffee in moderation may actually build a strong healthy heart and prevent heart disease, heart attacks, strokes and much more.

Coffee also has the ability to potentially prevent dementia and other brain diseases.

Drinking coffee in moderation may also lower your risk of diabetes, certain cancers and may actually help you live longer.

I have a 110 year old lady neighbor who drinks at least 12 cups of coffee everyday and she has been drinking coffee since she was around 20 years old.

So that means that she's been drinking coffee for 90 years and is still very healthy and has a strong heart.

She actually still gets out and walks to the store, walks around etc.
0 votes
answered Nov 24, 2020 by 7maxwarren (12,600 points)
Anymore than 12 cups of coffee per day is considered too much.

However some other people who have other health issues may consider 4 cups of coffee per day to be too much coffee.

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