What can I use instead of grenadine?

+1 vote
asked Nov 16, 2020 in Recipes by P90seWngjase (900 points)
What can I use instead of grenadine?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Nov 18, 2020 by Adf289 (59,990 points)
You can use Raspberry Syrup instead of Grenadine Syrup.

Other syrups you can use instead of Grenadine Syrup are Pomegranate Molasses, Cocktail Cherry Juice or even Cranberry Juice Cocktail Concentrate.

Grenadine Syrup is a non alcoholic syrup that is most commonly used for making cocktails with.

The flavor of Grenadine Syrup is a sweet and tart like taste and goes well with just about any alcoholic drinks although most commonly it's used in cocktails.

Grenadine is made from pomegranates and has no cherries in it.

Cherries are not in the ingredients of Grenadine Syrup however it can taste like cherry syrup but it's not.

Grenadine Syrup is very easy to make.

The grenadine syrup is made of fresh pomegranate juice reduced with sugar.

The ingredients of grenadine syrup are pomegranate juice, sugar and orange flower water.

You can make your own grenadine syrup by mixing together 2 cups of pomegranate juice, 2 cups of sugar and 2 dashes of orange flower water.

To make the grenadine syrup at home gather the above ingredients and place them together in a saucepan.

First in a sauce pan combine the pomegranate juice and sugar and then bring the pomegranate juice and sugar to a slow boil until the sugar is dissolved.

While it's slowly boiling be sure to stir it constantly.

Next reduce the heat and cover it after the sugar has dissolved.

Then while covered simmer it for 10 to 15 minutes and every few minutes stir it occasionally.

Then allow it to cool off and after it's cooled off you can pour it into a small decanter or bottle with a tight-sealing lid.

Before sealing the bottle add a dash or two of orange flower water.

Then seal the bottle up and shake it for a minute or so to mix it together.

And that is it as grenadine syrup is pretty easy to make or you can buy already made grenadine syrup in most any stores.

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