- Ads “above the fold” will have a better click-through rate than ads below the fold.
- Place ads near where visitors eyeballs naturally go to in order to get the best CTR (top left, near titles, near site navigation, etc).
Knowing where visitors tend look first on your sites can help you determine where to place ads to get the most attention (if that’s what you are going for of course). You can find all sorts of “heatmaps” that show you where users look first of spend most of their time on sites. From looking at these and from my experience, I would say that users tend to look first at the Top Left part of the page (probably because we are all trained to read the text of a book from the top left and then move down). In addition, big bolded items such as post titles also get attention. Finally, navigation bars at the top or in the sidebars are also used frequently by people because this is how a traditional site is set up.