How to make cookies without brown sugar?

+1 vote
asked Nov 14, 2020 in Recipes by twatmullet (1,480 points)
How to make cookies without brown sugar?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Nov 15, 2020 by Marlene99 (7,810 points)
If you want to make or bake cookies without brown sugar then you can use just regular granulated sugar.

Brown Sugar is best for cookies as it helps hold the moisture in better and makes the cookies more dense but granulated sugar can be used in place of brown sugar if you want to.

It's not necessary to use brown sugar for baking cookies.

You can use regular white granulated sugar when baking cookies and they will turn out okay but if you want the best cookies then you should use brown sugar instead of granulated white sugar.

Brown Sugar in cookies help make the cookies more dense and moist.

Also brown sugar in cookies helps to attract and absorb the liquid in the dough when making the cookies so when you use brown sugar in the cookies it makes for a more perfect cookie.

You can use regular sugar as well to make cookies but it's best to use brown sugar.

Brown Sugar is also more hygroscopic than white granulated sugar which means it helps hold the moisture in the cookie dough much better.

However if you just have regular sugar and no brown sugar you can still bake cookies with regular sugar and they will turn out okay.

But if you want to make the best cookies it best to get some brown sugar and they will be much more tastier and more easier to chew.

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