How much is a pound of lobster tail?

+1 vote
asked Nov 12, 2020 in Other-Food Drink by MoeLester (950 points)
How much is a pound of lobster tail?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Nov 26, 2020 by lulumeon (40,870 points)
The average price for a pound of lobster tail is $2.00.

The actual cost for a pound of Lobster tail varies from location to location and sometimes the cost may be a bit less than $2.00 per lb for lobster tail.

In some places I've seen lobster tail sell for $1.80 per lb but most places sell Lobster Tail for $2.00 per lb.

Both Sam's Club and Amazon have Lobster Tail pretty cheap and if you order Lobster Tail from Amazon you can get it shipped to your door usually the next day.

Walmart also sells Lobster Tail pretty cheap and you can either buy the Lobster Tail in the store at Walmart or online at

I've found Lobster Tail in my local Walmart for $1.80 lb on sale but most times it's closer to $2.00 per lb which is still worth the cost.

Lobster Tail is very delicious and worth the money if you can afford it.

Lobster in general is also delicious.

The best Lobster is Maine Lobster which many including myself find to be the best tasting Lobster.

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