Is Bologna healthy to eat?

+1 vote
asked Oct 19, 2020 in Other-Food Drink by Vivjian (620 points)
Is Bologna healthy to eat?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Oct 22, 2020 by LinaJoe98 (1,990 points)
Bologna is healthy to eat in moderation.

However Bologna is not the healthiest of meats when eaten a lot as Bologna is a processed meat that contain lots of sodium and sometimes fat as well as some preservatives like nitrites.

Too much Bologna could be harmful for your health.

However it's okay to eat Bologna in moderation and you're not gonna get unhealthy when eating Bologna in moderation.

Such as having a Bologna sandwich everyday for lunch is not gonna harm your health but you should eat other healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables.

When you fry the bologna it becomes unhealthier than non fried bologna.

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