What research and preparation methods do you use for long blog posts?

+1 vote
asked Nov 2, 2017 in Blogging by Ivan R (400 points)
What research and preparation methods do you use for long blog posts?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Nov 21, 2017 by Shawn (104,230 points)
When I write a long blog post I sit down and think about what I'm gonna write about.

If I'm unsure about something I'm about to write about then I will research the topic to get more knowledge about it.

Otherwise I just sit down and start writing the long blog post. It can actually take me a month to finish a long blog post sometimes.

If I'm writing a long blog post sometimes I run out of ideas for the post and quit writing for a day or so and then come back to it to finish it up after doing research and getting ideas.

I search google on the topic to get more ideas on where I can add keywords naturally and how to make the post appealing and make it a post where people will want to link to it and share it.

There's no rush in having to get the blog post written and published just write for awhile and then if you get tired then just get up and take a break from the computer as it will refresh your mind and you'll get ideas naturally without doing some research.

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