Do 8 year old boys wear diapers?

+5 votes
asked Oct 10, 2020 in Kids Health by ssoise (370 points)
Do 8 year old boys wear diapers?
commented Apr 24, 2023 by KingsleyCom (140 points)
Only if they have some health issues
commented Nov 6, 2023 by Sttewen (100 points)
I think it is not good! They are old enough to go to solve things like this!
More information please leave your comment!
commented Mar 6, 2024 by aromatotoklik (120 points)
I think it is not good too

22 Answers

0 votes
answered Jul 7, 2024 by Jantott (3,910 points)
I have an 8 year old nephew who wears diapers all the time because he is incontinent and has been incontinent all his life due to a birth defect.

It's unlikely that my 8 year old nephew will regain bladder control so he will likely be wearing diapers all the time all his life.

He is normal in other ways and has bowel control so he does go to the toilet when he can make it but he sometimes poops his diaper as well but it's okay.

But his pee just comes out without any control so he cannot make it to the toilet to pee so he was to wear diapers.

He is skinny enough so Pampers Swaddlers size 8 fit him and is what he wears but once he outgrows those he will have to go to Youth disposable diapers.
+1 vote
answered Aug 29, 2024 by Michsumpton (220 points)

I'm 8 years old and I like to wear diapers and I sometimes sneak and wear my 2 year old brothers Huggies diapers but they don't fit properly and I want to buy some larger size diapers for myself.

I want to wear diapers like Tommy diaper boy again and wish my parents would force me into them as I would so enjoy to wear diapers all the time like Tommy.

8 year old boy Tommy diaper boy pampers8 year old diaper boy tommy boy pampers

commented Aug 29, 2024 by 13yolddiaperboy (2,360 points)
If you're of average size the Gentle steps diapers size 7 should fit you just fine.

Gentle Steps size 7 diapers usually fit as old as 10 year old kids and I could fit in them perfectly even at age 13.

Pampers and Huggies and even Walmart Parents choice also make a size 8 diaper that you could fit into.

The Gentle steps diapers are very good and absorbent and I'm even wearing one right now and it fits perfectly and feels awesome.

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