How long do cantaloupes last?

+1 vote
asked Oct 5, 2020 in Other-Food Drink by zeeliner (280 points)
How long do cantaloupes last?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Oct 8, 2020 by Minty (139,260 points)
A cantaloupe that was picked from the garden or bought from the store should last for up to 10 days as long as you keep the cantaloupe refrigerated.

Always eat the cantaloupe within 7 to 10 days of buying it or picking it from your garden as they do spoil pretty quickly even when refrigerated.

Once you cut open the cantaloupe or cut the cantaloupe up the cut up cantaloupe will only last for 3 to 5 days before it starts to go bad.

Once you cut open or cut up a cantaloupe it must be kept refrigerated to prevent spoilage.

When the cut up or cut open cantaloupe is going bad it will start to change color, texture and have a bad smell to it sometimes.

Also the bad cantaloupe when cut open or cut up will start to shrivel.

The same is true for a whole cantaloupe when it goes bad.

When the whole cantaloupe goes bad it will start to shrivel up and wrinkle as well.

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