What does soft set pudding mean?

+1 vote
asked Oct 4, 2020 in Recipes by Robotaz (480 points)
What does soft set pudding mean?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Oct 5, 2020 by linda (29,790 points)
Soft set pudding is an instant pudding mix that is mixed with milk and when mixed together and allowed to set the soft set pudding sets to a creamy custard-like texture.

Instant pudding requires no cooking and you just mix the pudding together and allow it to sit and then it sets up and is ready to eat.

The instant soft set pudding or other instant pudding mixes take only a few minutes to mix up, and then they are ready to eat, once they are set.

Regular pudding require cooking and then extra time to set.

But the main difference in soft set pudding versus regular pudding is that the soft set pudding is set to a soft and creamy texture.

The soft set pudding and regular pudding are made of the same ingredients but are set to different textures.

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