What's the difference between a fajita and a tortilla?

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asked Sep 6, 2020 in Other-Food Drink by jevasonhas1 (380 points)
What's the difference between a fajita and a tortilla?

1 Answer

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answered Sep 7, 2020 by Minty (140,940 points)
The difference between a fajita and a tortilla are that a tortilla is a flour or corn wrap that is used to make the fajitas, burritos and enchiladas with etc.

The Fajita is a sort of burrito that is made with ingredients such as grilled meat, vegetables, onions, peppers, guacamole, sour cream and sometimes Jalapenos.

The fajita uses a tortilla to wrap the fajita.

Traditional Fajitas are made with flour tortillas.

Some people may make Fajitas using corn tortillas which is okay if that's what they prefer but when you want to make a traditional fajita you would use flour tortillas.

Fajitas can be bad for you if you eat too many of them or eat the fajitas that are not homemade.

The best fajitas that are the best for your health are the homemade fajitas where you know what all ingredients you put into them.

If you make fajitas at home you can avoid too many fattening and non healthy ingredients but with fajitas that you get at the store or a restaurant they can contain other unhealthy ingredients that can make them not good for your health.

But even the fajitas that are served at restaurants can be healthy in moderation.

They do contain protein and some other nutrients but there's not too many health benefits of fajitas but they are okay to eat in moderation.

Just don't eat too many fajitas and you'll be okay.

Too many fajitas can also cause weight gain.

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