What are the benefits of Montmorency cherries?

+1 vote
asked Sep 5, 2020 in Other-Food Drink by Pryw84ea57 (210 points)
What are the benefits of Montmorency cherries?

1 Answer

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answered Sep 5, 2020 by Kaitlyn (3,850 points)
Montmorency cherries have many health benefits such as pain relief, gout relief, arthritis relief and other health benefits such as reducing your risk of cancer, heart disease, heart attacks, strokes, lowering your blood pressure and even giving you energy so that you can be productive through the day.

All cherries have health benefits and are very healthy to eat.

Cherries are good for lowing high blood pressure.

Cherries and cherry juice have been shown in studies to lower your high blood pressure and keep your blood pressure at a safe level.

When your blood pressure it kept to a normal lower level it reduces your risk of heart disease, heart attacks, strokes etc.

Cherry Juice and Cherries are also great for your kidneys as well and contain antioxidants which can flush your kidneys of bacteria which means that cherries may also prevent kidney disease.

Cherries can cause some peoples stomach to hurt.

Also if you eat too many cherries you can experience stomach pain because the cherries can cause, abdominal cramps, bloating, diarrhea etc.

Some people also have trouble digesting cherries and they may not be able to digest them properly which causes the cherries to make your stomach hurt.

You can also be allergic to cherries and when you're allergic to cherries the cherries also hurt your stomach.

cherries can make you poop because cherries do contain fiber.

When you eat foods that contain fiber the foods that contain fiber can make you poop.

If you eat enough cherries you can and will be pooping soon after eating cherries.

I can eat a bowl of cherries and need to poop within about 4 hours of eating the cherries.

Cherries are very healthy for you because they contain the fiber, vitamins, nutrients, antioxidants and much more.

Cherries are also good for giving you energy and helping prevent cancer, heart disease, strokes, heart attacks and other health issues.

Cherries are also known as a super food.

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