Is Fruit Mold dangerous?

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asked Jul 30, 2020 in Other-Food Drink by DaanStrik (430 points)
Is Fruit Mold dangerous?

1 Answer

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answered Aug 1, 2020 by rraogo (550 points)
Yes fruit mold is dangerous to your health and should never be eaten.

However if the fruit has a bit of mold on the fruit and you can remove the fruit mold then you can eat the rest of the fruit that does not have the mold.

I have done this before when the rest of the fruit is okay but it only has a bit of mold on it.

Just cut off or peel off the part of the fruit that has mold and then if the rest of the fruit has no mold on it then you can eat the rest of the fruit.

However if the entire fruit has mold on it then you should throw the fruit out and not eat it.

You may not get really sick if you happen to eat just a bit of moldy fruit but if you eat enough moldy fruit it could make you really sick.

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