Can humans survive on meat alone?

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asked Jul 12, 2020 in Other-Food Drink by Oduba (300 points)
Can humans survive on meat alone?

1 Answer

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answered Jul 16, 2020 by Arshad188 (660 points)
Yes humans can survive on meat alone if that is all the human has to eat.

However a human really needs vegetables and fruits in their diet as well to stay healthier.

We need all the protein of meat and the vitamins and nutrients of fruits and vegetables as well and without those nutrients, vitamins, minerals etc we may be less healthy.

It would be much healthier to eat just vegetables than it would be to eat just meat.

But if all you had was meat to survive on then yes you could survive on meat alone but you may have other health issues.

Yes rabbit meat is good for humans health because rabbit meat contains a lot of protein and rabbit meat is nearly cholesterol free which means that rabbit meat is also healthier for your heart than other meats such as chicken, beef, pork, bacon etc.

Rabbit meat is also lower in fat and lower in calories which also makes rabbit meat healthier to eat when you're on a weight loss diet.

When it comes to protein content the rabbit meat has a much higher protein content than chicken does.

So if you want more protein it's good to eat the rabbit meat more than the chicken although chicken is pretty high in protein as well but rabbit meat is the highest in protein.

Rabbit meat is also higher in protein than lamb, fish, pork and beef.

Rabbit meat is healthy for you as well and is much healthier for you than beef is.

Chicken is healthier than beef because chicken contains less saturated fat and less cholesterol which means that the chicken meat is much healthier for your heart and cardiovascular health.

But beef also contains more iron and zinc than chicken does.

But you can eat more chicken and still be healthier than eating the same amount of beef.

Beef is healthy in moderation but eating too much beef could cause heart attacks, strokes, heart disease and blood clotting due to clogged arteries.

Beef can be really fatty and greasy and should be eaten in moderation.

But chicken contains less of that fat and grease content so you can eat more chicken than you can eat beef.

If you eat beef and chicken then your health will improve but eat less beef and more chicken to stay healthy.

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