Do pickles come from cucumbers?

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asked Jul 11, 2020 in Other-Food Drink by Ravea24 (360 points)
Do pickles come from cucumbers?

1 Answer

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answered Jul 11, 2020 by Lilly21 (57,780 points)
Yes pickles are made from cucumbers.

A pickle is just a cucumber that has been fermented to make a pickle.

When a pickle company makes pickles they take cucumbers and then ferment them in vinegar and other juices and ingredients to make them into the pickle.

The pickles are just cucumbers and with your own ingredients and cucumbers you can make your own homemade pickles.

It's not all that easy to make homemade pickles and I never could get the hang of it and all pickles I've ever made turned out bad.

However my Grandma used to make homemade pickles and those were lovely.

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