Whats the difference between white and red miso?

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asked Jun 26, 2020 in Other-Food Drink by JJwatshisname (310 points)
Whats the difference between white and red miso?

2 Answers

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answered Jun 26, 2020 by Lilly21 (57,780 points)
Both white and red miso are made from the same soybeans but the difference between red and white miso is in how they are fermented and made.

White Miso is made from soybeans that have been fermented with a larger percentage of rice.

The Red Miso is made from soybeans that are fermented with barely or other grains other than rice.

Both red and white miso are basically the same thing but are made differently and have a different taste.

You can buy Miso Paste at Walmart Stores.

The Miso Paste at Walmart is usually located in the aisle where the soups are.

So if you're looking for Miso paste at Walmart go down the Soup aisle such as where the canned soup is and it should be on the opposite shelf or even on the same shelf.

At the Walmart here the Miso Paste is in the same aisle as the canned soups are but on the opposite side of the shelf.

It's in the same aisle but usually to your right but it can vary from store to store.

Some Walmart stores stock foods in different aisles so if you cannot find the Miso Paste at your Walmart ask a Walmart Associate and they can help you locate it.
0 votes
answered Apr 8, 2022 by AngieSmit (29,590 points)
Miso is a traditional Japanese seasoning. It is produced by fermenting soybeans with salt and kōji and sometimes rice, barley, seaweed, or other ingredients.

At its most basic, miso is a fermented paste that's made by inoculating a mixture of soybeans with a mold called koji (for you science folks, that's the common name for Aspergillus oryzae) that's been cultivated from rice, barley, or soybeans.

Miso is the ultimate reference point for the flavor sensation known as umami. The paste and the soup have a deep savory flavor, with toasty, funky, salty-sweet richness.

This umami flavor forms the base of a lot of everyday Japanese cooking.

Miso paste is used for making things such as sauces, dressings, batters, and soups.

When making sauces, dressings, batters, and soups the miso paste is mixed into the sauces, dressings, batters, and soups.

Miso paste can be eaten cooked or raw but it's usually added to the foods after the foods are cooked but sometimes the Miso paste is added before the food is cooked.

The Miso paste adds flavor to the foods that the Miso paste is used in.

When Miso paste is used in the foods the Miso paste adds a salty umami flavor to the foods.

Most Miso paste is used and made in Japan which is where the Miso paste ingredient has been used since the eighth century or earlier.

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