Do berries lose nutrients when frozen?

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asked Jun 3, 2020 in Other-Food Drink by JEB87 (300 points)
Do berries lose nutrients when frozen?

1 Answer

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answered Jun 4, 2020 by CV789 (4,650 points)
Yes berries do lose some of their vitamins and nutrients when frozen.

The freezing process of the berries and the cold temperatures cause a natural chemical reaction in the berries which causes the berries to lose some of the nutrients and vitamins as well as minerals.

Frozen berries are less healthy for you than non frozen fresh berries are.

However even frozen berries are a healthy treat and healthy food to eat.

You still get some of the nutrition and minerals as well as vitamins from frozen berries but you just get a bit less of them.

I love to eat frozen berries during the summertime as the frozen berries make for a nice healthy summer treat.

Berries are chock full of vitamins, minerals and nutrients as well as antioxidants,

Berries can provide you with energy and may also prevent heart disease and cancer.

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