How much does it cost to run a toaster oven for an hour?

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asked Mar 25, 2020 in Cooking by Jsayinghi (330 points)
How much does it cost to run a toaster oven for an hour?

1 Answer

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answered Mar 25, 2020 by LiliChuffer (2,210 points)
Depending on the setting of the toaster oven the toaster oven uses between 1,000 watts to 1,500 watts of electricity per hour of run time.

The actual cost of running a toaster oven for an hour depends on your electric rates and your cost per KWH.

For example if your cost per KWH is 10 cents per KWH then running the toaster oven at 1,000 watts setting would cost you 10 cents per hour of operating the toaster oven.

If you have the toaster oven on the higher setting which is 1,500 watts then you would use between 12 to 14 cents per hour which is not all that expensive.

Using a regular oven would use much more electricity and could cost you 50 cents per hour so if you only need to bake something small then a toaster oven is much better and cheaper to operate than a regular electric oven.

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