Does Gouda cheese need to be refrigerated?

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asked Mar 24, 2020 in Other-Food Drink by Ronnin898 (310 points)
Does Gouda cheese need to be refrigerated?

2 Answers

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answered Mar 24, 2020 by lulumeon (40,870 points)
Traditionally Gouda Cheese is never refrigerated so you do not need to or have to refrigerate Gouda Cheese.

Gouda Cheese will be safe to eat for a long time even when not refrigerated.

I never have refrigerated Gouda Cheese and it's been just fine for a few months in the pantry.

Smoked Gouda Cheese also lasts pretty long at room temperature without refrigeration.

Gouda Cheese is best not refrigerated but you can refrigerate the Gouda Cheese if you want too.

To keep the Gouda Cheese fresh out of the refrigerator you should wrap it in parchment/wax paper and then put that in an unsealed plastic bag.

Doing that will help keep the Gouda Cheese moist and keep the Gouda Cheese from drying out.
0 votes
answered Jul 1, 2022 by Gracy (149,380 points)
Gouda is a sweet, creamy, yellow cow's milk cheese originating from the Netherlands.

It is one of the most popular cheeses worldwide.

The name is used today as a general term for numerous similar cheeses produced in the traditional Dutch manner.

Gouda Cheese is a great table cheese, perfect for everyday eating.

Aged gouda is similar to Parmesan in texture, developing crunchy cheese crystals and more crumbly texture.

Aged gouda has a rich, nutty, caramelly taste, often reminiscent of butterscotch.

Both aged gouda and young gouda are delicious, just in different ways.

The way you pronounce Gouda is Goo Duh.

So you would say Goo and then say duh so goo duh is the way you pronounce Gouda.

I used to pronounce Gouda as Go duh but it's Goo Duh in the way you pronounce it.

Gouda cheese is a very delicious cheese that goes well with just about anything including crackers.

I also like to Slice Gouda cheese and make Cheese burgers with Gouda cheese as well.

I even shred up Gouda cheese and add it to Pizza and make Gouda Cheese Pizza.

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