Where does the US import bauxite from?

+1 vote
asked Mar 23, 2020 in Other-Environment by patsyfanie (440 points)
Where does the US import bauxite from?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Mar 25, 2020 by Shawn (99,990 points)
The country that the US imports bauxite from the most is Canada.

The USA imports most of it's bauxite from Canada but they also import some of the bauxite from other countries as well.

The US imports 4.79 million tons of bauxite from Canada per year which is a heck of a lot of bauxite.

Then the US imports 1.72 million tons of bauxite from Russia and 562,232 tons of bauxite from Brazil and the rest of the bauxite comes from several other countries.

From the other countries the US imports around 865,053.5 tons of bauxite from those countries.

There are also several other countries that the US imports millions of tons of bauxite from but so far Canada is the country that produces the most bauxite and exports it to the US.

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