Are glazed ceramics microwave safe?

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asked Mar 22, 2020 in Cooking by DarthRevan (310 points)
Are glazed ceramics microwave safe?

1 Answer

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answered Mar 22, 2020 by lulumeon (40,870 points)
Yes glazed ceramics are microwave safe so you can safely put the glazed ceramic dishes in the microwave and there should be no issues.

That is as long as the glazed ceramics have no metallic finishes or metallic edges otherwise it could spark in the microwave.

But as long as your glazed ceramics do not have the metallic edges or metallic finishes to them then you can safely microwave them.

Regular ceramic plates, ceramic coffee mugs etc are also all microwave safe as long as there's no metallic edges or metallic finishes to them.

I've microwaved both glazed ceramics as well as regular ceramics for years without any problem.

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