Does baking kill E coli?

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asked Feb 24, 2020 in Cooking by meedityou (300 points)
Does baking kill E coli?

Will baking the food kill E Coli if the food has it in it?

1 Answer

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answered Feb 25, 2020 by Jasire (26,200 points)
The temperature at where E coli bacteria dies and is killed is 160 F so when you bake foods the E coli is killed.

As long as you bake the food all the way through and make sure the baked goods are fully done the E coli will not be able to survive in those hot temperatures.

So yes E coli is killed in the baking process.

If you eat raw flour, raw cookie dough, raw cake batter etc you could possibly get E coli poisoning.

However the risk is small but I still would avoid eating any raw cookie dough, raw flour, raw cake batter etc just because it's not worth the risk of getting E coli poisoning.

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